Pennbrook, Penndale, Pennfield
Middle School Transition Night is an opportunity for sixth grade or accelerated students to get a peek into Gifted Education at the Middle Schools. Students and their parents go to one of the NPSD middle schools to meet with middle school students and teachers to learn about what to expect in middle school.

North Penn is phasing out High Potential (HP) classes that had been offered at the middle schools. Students now have the option to select some classes with an additional project-based component. Please ask your guidance counselor for more details.
Gifted students with GIEPs are able to sign up for Gifted Seminar classes at the middle school. 7th grade Gifted Seminar is a major (meeting six times per cycle) that replaces the standard 7th grade Reading class, but covers much of the same content. 8th and 9th grade Gifted Seminar classes are minors (meeting twice per cycle), which focus on the topics of leadership and communication respectively.
Middle School students can also take advantage of Course Advancement for subject acceleration. Only certain courses are eligible for course advancement and must be taken online in the summer through an arrangement with the MCIU. Please ask your guidance counselor for more details.
8th and 9th graders have the option of joining NJHS if they meet the qualifications.