NPCC Purpose, Object, Structure, History and Benefits


The purpose of CC is to support the educational objectives in the community. These objectives are developed through meetings, committees and projects conducted by the council.


The object of CC is to provide a forum for parents of the NorthPenn School District to exchange ideas and to promote an ongoing relationship between the schools administration, board and community.


In 1979 home and school associations discovered their parents had concerns and questions at the district level and that their individual organizations did not have the resources or organizational structure that would enable them to fully satisfy their membership's inquiries. These parents also had ideas to share that would benefit other parent organizations and the entire North Penn School District. It became obvious that a communication link was needed to pull these various factors together and an organization to coordinate the information and the Council was formed.

In 2002 the council filed for tax exempt status and was determined by the IRS to be a charitable organization under section 503( c)(3). As part of this filing, home and school associations and parent groups become chapter members of Coordinating Council.


The Council meets on a monthly basis (with the exception of December) during the academic year. The meetings rotate among the district schools to give everyone an opportunity to see the various buildings. The format of the general membership meetings is a presentation by a guest speaker followed by a question/answer segment. The guest speaker topics are decided upon by the coordinating council board. They generally consult with the Superintendent to see if there are specific issues he would like to address with the Council. Upcoming topics for the 2005-06 year include a Superintendents update, High school initiatives, guidance services, art and music program overview and the health program including BMI and the wellness policy.

This is followed by a business meeting. The business meeting is designed as a structured session whereby council decisions are reviewed; new information is brought to the groups' attention from a parent, a parent group, or the district office. All groups have the opportunity to pass on new information or consult with others for information they need to resolve issues or more effectively operate their chapters. Sometimes it is better not to reinvent the wheel if a group has found something that has worked for them. You can make a connection or learn how another group handles an issue.


Understanding of global issues impacting the district
Opportunity to have your voice heard
Work together to make an impact at a strategic level
Information Sharing
Meeting the decision makers
Federal Tax Exemption
donations to your organization are tax deductible
Sales Tax Exemption
member's purchases are not subject to sales tax