School Supplies


Dear Oak Park Parents or Guardians,

Welcome to Oak Park Elementary School! Our school team is very much looking forward to working with you and your child. Anticipating next school year, we have found that students like to personalize their supplies and belongings by having special folders and favorite colors of pens and pencils. With this in mind, elementary staffs have created grade level lists of necessary supplies for families to purchase for the start and as needed throughout the school year. If assistance is needed in obtaining any of the supplies, please contact the school counselor, Mindy Schewe or me.
Please reference the list of supplies as printed below. Should you have any questions regarding this communication, please contact the school office at 215-368-4017.

In addition to personal supplies, general classroom supplies such as tissues, wet wipes, etc. are needed throughout the school year. Individual classroom teachers will be sharing information and requesting voluntary donations of specific supplies as needs arise. Thank you in advance for helping to supply your child with the materials and resources that are needed to be successful in our schools. Have a wonderful summer!


Jonathan Winkle,



2024-2025 Student Supplies


1 - Standard, regular-size backpack (labeled with child’s full name)

8 - Expo dry erase markers (fine point BLACK)

2 - boxes of Crayola crayons (24-color pack)
2 - large glue sticks 

4 - containers of Play-Doh

1 - box of tissues 

1 - bottle hand sanitizer

1 - box Ziploc gallon bags (boys)

1 - box Ziploc sandwich bags (girls)

1 - headphones to use with Chromebook (labeled with child’s full name)

1 - reusable water bottle (labeled with child’s full name)

Grade 1

1 - Plastic Pencil Box 

Crayons (Pack of 24)

1- Scissors (kid -sized, blunt point)

1- Dry erase eraser (could be an old black sock)
8-  Dry Erase markers-fine point (black)
4 - Glue Sticks

1 - Container of Play-Doh (any color)

#2 Pencils (3 - 12 packs)
1- Plastic folder (no prongs)

3 - Folders, paper or plastic, without prongs (red, green,yellow)
1 pair of Headphones/Earbuds

1 - Primary Journal/Notebooks (It is important that they have the three handwriting lines) see other side for sample

1- Container Baby Wipes 

1 - Hand Sanitizer (last names ending A-L)

1- Tissues (last names ending M-Z)

* Regular Notebooks and loose paper are NOT needed

* Please keep extra supplies home until needed

Grade 2

1 - set of durable headphones (labeled with name in Sharpie)
2 - packs of #2 pencils (12 pack)

1 - pack of colored pencils (12 pack)

1 - box of crayons (24 pack)

2 - glue sticks (large)

1 - pair of Fiskar scissors (rounded edge)
2 - large pink erasers

1- dry erase whiteboard

2 - packs of black Expo dry erase markers – (8 pack)

1 - container of sanitizing wipes 

2 - boxes of tissues

1- bottle of hand sanitizer

1 - one subject composition notebook

Grade 3

1 Pencil Box to hold supplies

2 - One subject notebooks
1   box of Dry Erase Markers (BLACK)
#2 Pencils (2 -12 packs) - no mechanical pencils
2   boxes of tissues

2   block pink erasers

1  box of colored pencils or crayons (markers optional)

2   glue sticks

1  pair of kid scissors
Headphones or Earbuds to be kept at school

Grade 4

1- set of headphones or earbuds (to be left at school)

1 - 1 subject spiral notebook
3 - pocket folders (of different colors)
3  black dry erase markers
2 boxes (or total 24 Pencils) #2 

1 - zipper pencil pouch

2- box of tissues

Grade 5

#2 Pencils (2 - 12-packs)

Erasers for Pencils

1- 3 Ring Binder (2” to 3”)

2- 1-subject spiral notebooks (Math & ELA)

1- 3-subject notebook (for Science class)
Earbuds/Headphones (Used daily in Music/Library and for independent work)

1 Glue Stick

4- folders with pockets (different colors)


Binder Dividers (Index Tab Divider)

Lined paper with holes (1 Package)  

Hand Sanitizer & Tissues

1 Pack of Colored Pencils or Colorful Markers

2-Dry Erase Markers

Grade 6

For use across the grade level

Tissues (1 box)

Hand Sanitizer (1 bottle) 

For your student (for all three teachers together)

Earbuds OR Headphones - THIS IS A MUST!

Water bottle for personal use

A large school bag (one that can hold a binder and multiple books)

ONE - folder with pockets (Take Home Folder)

Pencil Box to hold personal supplies:

# 2 Pencils - 3 packs of a dozen pencils (to start)

Erasers – (1 pack - either pencil top or regular erasers)

Colored pencils and thin markers (1 pack each)

Highlighters (3)

1 thick and 1 thin permanent (Sharpie) black marker

For your student in ELA

ONE - 1 inch binder (for Reading Response homework)

ONE - "5 subject" spiral notebook with pocket folders (These 5 sections will be used for: Responding to reading, Vocab Study, Journal Writing, etc. ) Please see the example on the reverse side. 

For your student in Math

1½ inch Binder (1)

Dividers for binders with Tabs – (1 set) - there are 5 dividers per set

Marker board markers (5)

Marker board eraser (1)

For your student in Science/Social Studies
One subject spiral notebook (1)

Scissors (standard size) - (left at home to use for projects)

Glue sticks-(left at home to use for projects)
Composition Book (Marble cover)

Disinfecting Wipes (NOT baby wipes or hand wipes)  (1 pack/container)

Composition Book (Marble cover)