Important Information about School Attendance

Student attendance is a critical part to a complete elementary education.
The following guidelines support student safety and learning:

Attendance Procedures

Parents/Guardians are required to call the school office before 9:00 am at (215)368-4017 for all absences. You may leave a message on our voice mail system if you need to call before 8:00am.  If you would like to use SafeArrival to report the absence, please click on the link below to set up your account:

Parent Letter for Safe Arrival


"Excuse for Absence or Tardiness" forms are no longer required if the school is contacted by phone. Students are considered unexcused if a call is not received - therefore requiring a note.

Every student enrolled in the North Penn School District shall be in daily attendance except for the following permissible reasons:

Excused absences include:

  • Quarantine of the individual or home
  • Personal illness
  • Death in the immediate family
  • Impassable roads
  • Educational trip with parent/guardian - Prior written request and approval of the principal at least 1 week prior to the trip
  • Religious holiday
  • Suspension from school
  • Required court appearance
  • Exceptional urgent reasons-- as determined by the principal

    Unexcused absences include:

  • Oversleeping
  • Missing the bus
  • Refusing to come to school
  • Taking a trip without prior approval

    Contact will be made with the parents/guardians of a student whose attendance is infrequent or irregular.

    After 10 cumulative days of absence, the student's attendance record will be reviewed and a letter of concern sent to the parents/guardians. The North Penn School District Home and School Visitor will be involved in the investigation and monitoring of absences beyond 10 days.

    Medical excuses may be required in cases of questionable absences and for absences exceeding 15 days per school year. Absences without a medical excuse will be regarded as unexcused and may be subject to fines.

    After 3 days of unlawful absences, a warning notice will be mailed home.

    Failure to comply with these requirements will be considered unlawful
    and a citation may be filed with the District Magistrate for violating the compulsory attendance law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.