School-Based ACCESS Program

School-Based ACCESS Program (SBAP) for Medicaid Eligible Students

SBAP is a Federal program that allows participating School Districts to receive partial reimbursement for health related services as prescribed in MA eligible Student IEP's. Frequency, Duration, and group status must be in the student's current IEP. All services must comply with these stipulations in order to be billable under Medicaid.

Medicaid billable services include: Speech, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, One on One Assistants, Orientation and Mobility, Transportation, Hearing, Nursing and Evaluations.

Staff providing health related services must document their sessions.

To participate in the program, Special Education Staff are required to be part of a State Random Moment Time Study. The responses to these surveys are coded and reflected in a percentage applied to our Annual Cost Reconciliation. The same percentage is assigned to every District in the State.

Since this program is health care related, we cannot bill for "academic" services. However, the Case Manager is responsible for obtaining the Parent Consent for MA billing when necessary, signing as a supervisor for one on one service, and responding to the Random Moment Time Study if selected.

All money generated from this program must be utilized for Special Education purposes.

For questions regarding the ACCESS Program, please contact Janice Yaworski via email at [email protected], or phone at 215-853-1014.